About Us

Welcome to our homepage. We are committed to preserving the past through our extensive archive of original photographs and antiques.

Our mission is to make this photographic record available to the people here in Michigan and across the globe. Through this website we offer access to a wide range of photographic prints and antiques as a contribution to further education and scholarship all the while preserving this universal collection of knowledge and creativity for future generations to come.

Many images are lost because the institutions that they are donated to do not have the resources, ability, nor interest in reproducing them or even putting them on public display. They are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of these collections and do not have the personnel to handle them. Most of these collections often end up collecting dust in various basement storerooms.

We actively purchase photographs and antiques within the State of Michigan further expanding our collection as a physical record of the past. Images from our archives will be continually added to this site on a regular basis.

Prints are produced using Epson Archival inks and paper and are available for sale on this website, by Mail Order, Email, Pay Pal Shopping Cart, or through the various art shows and local businesses we exhibit at in and around Michigan.

We exhibit at the following local Detroit Michigan Area businesses, please follow the link below.

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